
Address: Lenangsveien 2344, 9068 Nord-Lenangen
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Directions: Follow the road that leads to the northernmost point on the Lyngen peninsula, direction Nord-Lenangen. Just after the "bridge" in Nord-Lenangen take a left turn past the fast-food kitchen and drive down to the seaside where XLyngen is located.
Tromsø is 90 km + a ferry (25 min) away. From Tromsø there is an expressboat connection to Nord-Lenangen 4 times a week. Check www.tromskortet.no for more information.

GPS coordinates

Coordinates to device
Latitude: 69.8921298149071
Longitude: 20.1762452212903
Latitude: 69° 53' 32"
Longitude: 20° 10' 34"

Customer Service

Book your activities with XLyngen online or contact us via phone or e-mail.

Phone: +47 77 71 35 00 or

Terms & Conditions

Book with us

  • The offical Lyngenfjord region online booking
  • No bookingfees
  • Secure payment
  • Travel guarantee for package offers
  • Best bookingservice
  • Support the local economy - keep it local
  • Customer Service

    Book your activities with XLyngen online or contact us via phone or e-mail.

    Phone: +47 77 71 35 00 or

    Terms & Conditions

    Book with us

  • The offical Lyngenfjord region online booking
  • No bookingfees
  • Secure payment
  • Travel guarantee for package offers
  • Best bookingservice
  • Support the local economy - keep it local
  • Build: 11/07/2024 17:13:57, Host: CBONLINEBOTS01, DB: o3.cbguide-8645.cbischannel-32365.v1 online3data04.db.citybreak.com:8080, Controller: Accommodation, Action: showdetailsmapinfo